세미나 자료 목록
HEVC encoder_r15-final-심동규.pdf
HEVC 응용과 실시간 HEVC를 위한 Encoder_Decoder platforms_jsshin.pdf
HEVC_overview_HM10 0_based_r6.pdf
[2009년] 하반기 MPEG포럼 심층기술 워크샵 standard_videocoding_r5.ppt
[2010년] Overview of h.264 standard Overview_of_h.264_r4(final).pptx
[2010년] 인하대-비디오 및 멀티미디어 소개 image_compression(summary)_r0.pptx
[2012] MPEG forum HEVC encoder analysis - Donggyu Sim HEVC encoder_r11_final.pdf
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 HEVC encoder_r11_final.pdf
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 HEVC 응용과 실시간 HEVC를 위한 Encoder_Decoder platforms_jsshin.p
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 HEVC인코더_인터예측_20121107.pdf
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 MPEG_HEVC_CABAC_호요성2.pdf
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 Rate control and HRD(김재곤)최종.pdf
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 고속HEVC부호화기 핵심알고리즘(한종기)_20121121a.pdf
[2012] MPEG 포럼 강의자료 하이레벨신택스및기능_강정원r1.pdf
[2012] 전자공학회 HEVC 고속화 세미나 - HEVC encoder 분석 - 심동규 hevc_encoder_r15_dgsim.pdf
[2012] 컴퓨터공학과 졸업작품 및 KWIX 설명회 IPSL2012_졸업작품_KWIX_설명회_r5.pdf
[2012년] 2012년 상반기 MPEG 포럼 심층기술 워크샵 3D Video, Audio, and System 20120531_dgsim.JPG
[2013] 하반기 MPEG 포럼 심층 기술 워크샵 발표자료 Scalable HEVC (SHVC)_r9.pdf
[2014] 2월 MPEG 포럼 HEVC 표준 기술 교육 - Overview of HEVC HEVC_overview_HM10 0_based_r6.p
[2014] 2월 MPEG 포럼 표준 기술 워크샵 - HEVC encoder HEVC encoder_r17.pdf
[2014]2014년 7월 24일 전자공학회 영상신호처리 워크샵 - 주관적 품질과 미래 비디오 표준 기술 영상신호처리 워크샵 - 주관적 품질과 미래 비디오 표준 기술 - 심동규-r4.pptx
[2016] MPEG 포럼 Summer School - HEVC 기초 및 심화과정 (76-78) HEVC Reference SW (HM).pdf
[연구세미나] 박시내 - Multi-view (weighted prediction) Extended_weighted_prediction.ppt
[연구세미나] 조현호 - VFW (3) VideoCapture3.ppt
[연구세미나] 조현호 - VFW and DirectShow (2) DirectShow2.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding 4 Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_4.ppt
(연구세미나) [선오] J.144 - BTFR model British_Telecommunications_plc.ppt
(이선오) BT500-11, J.144 Research_Seminar___eebbnnee.ppt
G.711-김병용 G.711.ppt
J.144 Edeged PSNR Algorithm Implementation_J144.ppt
[MVC in 3DAV 시내] 3rd illumination compensation Illumination_compensation.ppt
[MVC in 3DAV] 박시내 1st 3DAV.ppt
[MVC in 3DAV] 박시내 2nd 3DAV(about_bangkok_input).ppt
[기술 세미나] 남정학 - JPEG XR JPEG_XR_r1.ppt
[기술 세미나] 민경연 - DVC overview_dvc.pptx
[기술 세미나] 박시내 - 기술세미나 (테라헤르츠 영상) THz_imagever.2.ppt
[기술 세미나] 서정한 - VC-1 VC_1_100407.ppt
[기술 세미나] 이선오 - MPEG 2 TS Tech_3rd_MPEG2_TS_20100204.ppt
[기술 세미나] 임웅 - SIFT Lim_Woong_Research_SIFT.ppt
[기술 세미나] 전찬웅 - GPGPU programming 기술세미나_GPU.pptx
[기술 세미나] 정광수 - Transcoding Transcoding.ppt
[기술 세미나] 조현호 - Parallelization of HEVC Video Decoder Parallelization_of_HEVC_Video_Decoder_r1.pptx
[기술 세미나] 지봉일 - parallel CABAC decoding parallel_CABAC_decoding.pptx
[기술세미나] 안용조 - CoWare Processor Designer for ASIP CoWare_Processor_Designer.pptm
[기술세미나] 유은경 - CABAC algrithm cabac_ipsl_ryu_기술세미나.pptx
[기술세미나] 최효민 - A novel rate control 060310_A_Novel_Rate_Control_Scheme_for_Low_Delay_Video_Communication_of_H264AVC_Standard_r2.pdf
[세미나]Multi view video coding Multi_view_video_coding.ppt
[연구세미나 - 동진] MPEG-2 Overview MPEG_2_TS_060214.ppt
[연구세미나 - 조현호] BIFS-3th Seminar BIFS.ppt
[연구세미나 - 진홍익] (M12871) H.264.MPEG-4 AVC-based Multi-view Video Coding (MVC) (M12871)_H.264.MPEG_4_AVC_based_Multi_view_Video_Coding_(MVC).ppt
[연구세미나 - 진홍익] Multiview_Video_Coding Multiview_Video_Coding.ppt
[연구세미나 - 진홍익] N7539.Requirements on Multi-view Video Coding v.5 N7539.Requirements_on.ppt
[연구세미나-김병용(두번째)]MPGE-4 BIFS MPEG_4_BIFS(v.2).ppt
[연구세미나-김병용(첫번째)]MPEG-4 BIFS MPEG_4_BIFS.ppt
[연구세미나-이동진]MPEG-2 TS MPEG_2_TS.ppt
[연구세미나-이동진]MPEG-2 TS-2 MPEG_2_TS_060126.ppt
[연구세미나] DPCM as prediction mode DPCM_as_Prediction_Mode.ppt
[연구세미나] IPTV IPTV.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 - View Synthesis View_Synthesis.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video Omni_directional_video.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video-2 Omni_directional_video_2.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video-3 Omni_directional_video_3.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video-4 Omni_directional_video_4.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video-5 Omni_directional_video_5.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video-6 Omni_directional_video_6.ppt
[연구세미나] 김유나 Omni-directional video-7 Omni_directional_video_7.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 - Image quality Why_is_Image_Quality_Assessment_So_Difficult.pdf
[연구세미나] 김현오 - NTIA VQM [10]_Subjective_testing_methodology_in_MPEG_video_cerification.pdf
[연구세미나] 김현오 - Test Procedure (Display program) Test_Program.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 - Test Procedure Test_Procedure.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 J.144 - VQM model Implementation NTIA_VQM_Model0408.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 J.144 - VQM model Implementation NTIA_VQM_Model_Implementation.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 J.144 - VQM model(1) NTIA_VQM_Model_1.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 J.144 - VQM model(2) NTIA_VQM_Model_2.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 J.144 - VQM model(3) NTIA_VQM_Model_3.ppt
[연구세미나] 김현오 J.144 - VQM model(4) NTIA_VQM_Model_4.ppt
[연구세미나] 남정학 - Down DCT DownsamplingDCT_result.ppt
[연구세미나] 남정학 - Down DCT Downsampling_DCT.ppt
[연구세미나] 남정학 - Down-sampling DCT prediction Down_sampling_DCT_prediction.ppt
[연구세미나] 남정학 - RDO RDO_rate_control.ppt
[연구세미나] 박시내 - Mulltiview video coding Extended_weighted_prediction_for_multiview_video_coding.ppt
[연구세미나] 박시내 - Multi-view (weighted prediction) [200668]Extended_weighted_prediction_for_Multiview_video_coding.ppt
[연구세미나] 박시내 [2006.04.24]Extended_weighed_prediction.ppt
[연구세미나] 심동규 - Scalable video coding (SVC) JSVM 문서 중심 Joint_Scalable_Video_Model_(JSVM).ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 - Direct sound 060506_directsound3.ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 - DirectSound2 DirectSound.ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 - Duplex Voice Communication 060705_Duplex.ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 - Sound capture & play 060520_rt_voice.ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 - thread thread.ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 - Voice Capture 060621_RecordingToUDP.ppt
[연구세미나] 이동진 DirectSound DirectSound.ppt
[연구세미나] 이정환 - Entropy Coding[CAVLC] Entropy_Coding_VLC.ppt
[연구세미나] 이정환 - Entropy Coding[CAVLC_2] Entropy_Coding_VLC.ppt
[연구세미나] 조광신 - face detection (svm vs symmetric, mct idea) 06_26_face_detection.ppt
[연구세미나] 조현호 - Adaptive Wiener Interpolation Filter 2 Adaptive_Wiener_Interpolation_Filter_2.ppt
[연구세미나] 조현호 - Adaptive Wiener Interpolation Filter 3 Adaptive_Wiener_Interpolation_Filter_3.ppt
[연구세미나] 조현호 - Adaptive Wiener Interpolation Filter Adaptive_Wiener_Interpolation_Filter.ppt
[연구세미나] 조현호 - VFW and DirectShow (1) DirectShow1.ppt
[연구세미나]Lossless video coding method Lossless_Video_Compression_Method_Based_on_Pixel_wise_Prediction.ppt
[연구세미나]조광신 - 얼굴인식(Demo1 Program) 06_03_Demo1Program.ppt
[특별 세미나] 유은경 - CABAC parallel cabac_idea.pptx
[특별 세미나] 유은경 - CABAC cabac_ipsl_ryu_2.pptx
[특별 세미나] 유은경 - CABAC decode cabac_decode.pptx
강대범 - CABAC_added_sejong CABAC_(added_on_IC).ppt
강대범 - image morphing Image_morphing.pptx
강대범 - MPEG4-SP MPEG_4_Simple_profile.ppt
강대범 - VC-1 Codec overview VC1_reference_decoder_release6.zip
강대범 - VC-1 Codec overview VC_1_Codec.pptx
김경혜 - Overview of 3DV-HTM Overview of 3DV HTM.pptx
김경혜 - Simplification of Generalized Inter-layer Residual Prediction Simplification of Generalized Inter-layer Residual Prediction.pptx
김경혜 - Simplification of residual prediction in RefIdx framework for SHVC Simplification of residual prediction in RefIdx framework.pptx
김병용 - A Low-Delay Internet Telephony Tool A_Low_Delay_Internet_Telephony_Tool.ppt
김병용 - Assessment of AV Service Quality over the IP Network Assessment_of_AV_Service_Quality_over_the_IP_Network.ppt
김병용 - Efficient AudioVideo Synchronizing method for Telephony System Efficient_AudioVideo_Synchronization_method_for_Telephony_System(1108).ppt
김병용 - H.263 구조 H.263(060902).ppt
김병용 - H.263 H.263(060807).ppt
김병용- AV Quality measurement AV_Quality_measurement.ppt
김병용-Assessment of AV service quality over the IP network Assessment_of_AV_service_quality_over_the_IP_network(0817)_.ppt
김병용-Blocking artifact measure Assessment_of_AV_service_quality_over_the_IP_network(0301).ppt
김병용-Lip Synchronization Control System for ultra delay in the Video Communication Lip_Synchronization_Control_System_for_ultra_delay_in_the_Video_Communication.ppt
김병용[UDP socket programming] UDP_socket_programming(060515).ppt
김우리 - Implementation of inverse transform with SIMD optimization Implementation of inverse transform with SIMD optimization.pptx
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_20070119.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding 2 Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_scanning.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding 3 Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_RDO.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding Adaptive_prediction_error_coding.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_20070223.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_Add_SQMB.ppt
김유나 - Adaptive prediction error coding Final Adaptive_prediction_error_coding_20070324.ppt
김유나 - View Synthesis 2 View_Synthesis_2.ppt
김유나 - 논문세미나 [A novel coefficient scanning scheme] A_novel_coefficient_scanning_scheme_for_directional_spatial_prediction_based_image_compression.ppt
김현오 - A No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Based on Digital Watermark A_No_Reference_Video_Quality_Assessment_Method_Based_on_Digital_Watermark.ppt
김현오 - Blind measurement of blocking artifacts in images Blind_Measurement_of_Blocking_Artifacts_in_Images.ppt
김현오 - MOS Results and NR Metric MOS_Results_&_NR_Metric.ppt
김현오 - NR Metric and SSCQE A_No_Reference_Perceptual_Blur_Metric.pdf
김현오 - NR Metric and SSCQE Blur_Metric.ppt
김현오 - NR Metric No_Reference_Metric_0326.ppt
김현오 - NTIA results and NR Metric A_Novel_Objective_No_Reference_Metric_for_Digital_Video_Quality_Assessment.pdf
김현오 - Subjective video quality assessment Subjective_video_quality_assessment.ppt
김현오 - [논문] Evaluation of Video Quality Based on Objectively Estimated Metric Evaluation_of_Video_Quality_Based_on_Objectively_Estimated.pot
김현오 - [논문] Evaluation of Video Quality Based on Objectively Estimated Metric journal_of_communications_and.pdf
김현오 - [논문] Learning No-Reference Quality Metric by Examples Learning_No_Reference_Quality_Metric_by_Examples.ppt
남정학 - CAVLC CAVLC_v3.pptx
남정학 - CE3 for 3D-HTM 20120324 CE3_v1.pptx
남정학 - Classification of stereoscopic artifacts Classification_of_stereoscopic_artifacts.p
남정학 - EPZS (Enhanced Predictive Zonal Search) EPZS.pptx
남정학 - HEVC-Based Scalable 3D video Codec HEVC-based scalable 3D video codec.pptx
남정학 - lossless and ablsolute DCT experimetal results 05_06_Experiment_results.ppt
남정학 - Lossless coding for medical image 2 entropy_2.ppt
남정학 - Lossless coding for medical image Lossless_video_coding_for_medical_image.ppt
남정학 - Near Lossless 07_near_lossless_3.ppt
남정학 - new scanning order for lossless coding New_scanning_method_of_lossless_coding.ppt
남정학 - Scalable_parallel_decoding Scalable_parallel_decoding_scheme.pptx
남정학 - SP-frames (논문심사) Quantized_Transform_domain_Motion_Estimation_v1.pptx
남정학 - UD (ultra-high definition) UD.pptx
남정학 - VCEG input doc. in Hanhzou & lossless VCEG_review_and_lossless_inSJ.ppt
남정학 - [논문] Efficient Techniques for Reference Picture Selection in an Already MPEG Encoded Bitstream Effective_RPS_in_MPEG.ppt
남정학 - [논문] Lossless and Near-lossless Compression of Still Color Image 00821650.pdf
류지우 - Concept of PSNR estimation scheme PSNRestimaiton_concept.pptx
류지우 - Graph cut and image segmentation Graphcut.pptx
류지우 - PSNR estimation PSNR_estimation.pptx
류호찬 - High Efficiency Video Coding Range Extensions HEVC RExt_r2.pptx
류호찬 - Implement of HEVC decoder with SIMD optimization Implement of HEVC decoder with SIMD optimization.pptx
류호찬 - Overview of the H.264AVC to HEVC Transcoding Overview of the H.264AVC to HEVC Transcoding_r2.pptx
민경연 - Distributed video coding based on adaptive crossover probability using received motion vecotrs dvc.pptx
민경연 - Distributed video coding based on adaptive slice size using received motion vecotrs dvc.pptx
민경연 - measurement of IPTV quality quality.ppt
민경연 - proposed method for frame rate-up conversion fru.ppt
민경연 - Side information generation using adaptive search range for DVC dvc14.pptx
민경연 - Speeded-up robust features surf.ppt
민경연 - 논문세미나(frame rate up conversion) 07.8.13.ppt
민경연 - 연구세미나 frame_rate_up.ppt
민경연 - 연구세미나 summary.ppt
박수경 - Conjugate Gradient method CG_v2.ppt
박수경 - Face Recognition Face_Recognition.ppt
박수경 - Face recognition2 Face_Recognition2.ppt
박수경 - [논문] MRI_introduction MRI_2007_03_12.ppt
박수경-camera projector system Camera_Projector_System.ppt
박시내 - Distributed video coding Distributed_video_coding___1.pptx
박시내 - down sampled stereo coding down_sampled_stereo_coding.ppt
박시내 - Illumination compensation for MVC Illumination_Compensation.ppt
박시내 - Lattice vector quantization Lattice_Vector_Quantization.ppt
박시내 - MVC Ce analysis Multiview_video_coding.ppt
박시내 - MVC input document in Hangzhou input_doucument_for_MVC_in_HZ.ppt
박시내 - 연구세미나 (MCTF) mctf.ppt
박시내 - 연구세미나 2007.3.17.ppt
박시내 DVC (채널코딩) Distributed_Video_Coding.pptx
박시내 Illumination compensation for MVC Illumination_Compensation_2.ppt
박시내- 연구세미나 DVC_presentation_in_S.U(2008.1.28).ppt
서정한 - Parallel implementation of the ALF in the HEVC Parallel_implementation_of_the_ALF_in_the_HEVC.pptx
서정한- the RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol) RTP2.pptx
안용조 - EMP based on ASIP EMP_based_on_ASIP.pptx
안용조 - Rate-distortion optimized quantization of HEVC reference model Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization of HEVC Reference Model.pptx
안용조-Multi-core platform for an efficient Video coding Multi_core_platform_for_an_efficient_Video_coding.pptx
연구세미나(김병용) Sound_Programming(06_03_18).ppt
연구세미나(김병용)-socket programming UDP_socket_programming(060429).ppt
유선미 - MPEG Frame Compatible upload_research_MFC.pptx
유선미 - multi-view video plus depth representation and coding Multi_view_color_and_depth.ppt
유성은 - digital hologram seminar_Holography.pptx
유성은 - Fast CU decision for HEVC encoder fast_CU_decision.pptx
유은경 - Boolean(binary) arithmetic coding & VP8 entropy coding 연구세미나_seminar_ekRyu.ppt
유은경 - Complexity-based Sample Adaptive Offset parallelism lab_seminar_ek_Ryu_SAO.pptx
유종훈 - AMVP estimation region 2012.02.16. Inter estimation region_r2.pptx
유종훈 - Android Overview 연구세미나(2011.04.16).pptx
유종훈 - interpolation filter to reduce memory bandwidth consumption 신호처리합동학술대회_발표자료_r2.pptx
이동진 - Implement DMB Client & Library Implement_DMB_Client_&_Library.ppt
이동진 - Implement stereo lip sync system Implement_stereo_Lip_Sync_System.pptx
이동진 - IP-based DMB DMB.ppt
이동진 - ortp ortp.ppt
이동진 - Real Communication 061002.ppt
이동진 - Real Communication realtimeCom.ppt
이동진 - Real-time Communication 20060816_realtimeCom.ppt
이동진 - RTP 060726_rtp.ppt
이동진 - RTP Payload Format for H.263 Video (H.263+) RTP_Payload_Format_H263+.ppt
이동진 - Toward Managed Real-time Communications Toward_Managed_Real_time_Communications.ppt
이동진 - Video Communication experiment Packet_audio_playout_delay_adjustment.ppt
이동진 - Video Communication experiment Video_Communication.ppt
이동진 - [논문] A Low-Latency Lip-Synchronized Videoconferencing System A_Low_Latency_Lip_Synchronized_Videoconferencing_System.ppt
이동진 - [논문] Overcoming Workstation Scheduling Problems in a Real-Time Audio Tool Overcoming_Workstation_Scheduling_Problems_in_a_Real_Time_Audio_Tool.ppt
이동진 - 연구세미나(논문발표) An_adaptive_synchronization_by_analyzing_the_Delay_time_of_media.pdf
이선오 - (논문) a fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in AVS-M video coding 080308_seminar.ppt
이선오 - A perceptual distortion metric for digital color video 0331_eebbnnee.ppt
이선오 - Backpropagation (Neural Network) 1_12_researchseminar.ppt
이선오 - Blur issue research_seminar_0824.ppt
이선오 - MM_VQM result review (1) MM___mse_ave.ppt
이선오 - MPEG2-TS MPEG2_TS.ppt
이선오 - Neural Network (Back Propagation) result 1229_results_of_BackPropagation.ppt
이선오 - Neural Network (Back Propagation) result 1229_results_of_BackPropagation.pptx
이선오 - PSNR estimation paper PSNR_estimation.ppt
이선오 - QoE based encoder optimization model QoE_based_Encoder_optimization.pptx
이선오 - Review the result of patent survey Patent.ppt
이선오 - TTA PG806 standardization (requirements) 2010_0710_연구세미나.pptx
이선오 - Video_Quality_Assessment (KT&CoreTegy seminar) Video_Quality_Assessment_KT&coreTegy.ppt
이선오 - [논문] Digital Video Quality[book] chapter 1. introduction DigitalVideoQuality(book)_ch1.ppt
이선오 - [논문] Subjective-Quality-Based MPEG-2 Compression 01000425.pdf
이선오 - [논문] Subjective-Quality-Based MPEG-2 Compression [thesis_seminar].ppt
이선오 Back-propagation implementation BackPropagation.zip
이선오 Back-propagation implementation BackPropagation_implementation.ppt
이세진 - Object Recognition 070105_Object_Recognition.ppt
이세진 - PCA-SIFT PCA_SIFT__A_More_Distinctive_Representation_for_Local_Image_Descriptors.ppt
이세진 - Random Sample Consensus 061023_RANSAC.ppt
이세진 - Recognising Panoramas 060915_Recognising_panoramas.ppt
이세진 - SIFT 070407.ppt
이세진 - SIFT SIFT_0802.ppt
이세진 - SIFT SIFT_0828.ppt
이세진 - Tracking 061124_Scene_Modelling.ppt
이세진 - [논문] A Real-time Effective Method for Infrared Point-Target Detection in Spatially Varying Clutter 070131_A_Real_time_Effective_Method_for_Infrared_Point_Target_Detection_in_Spatially_Varying_Clutter.ppt
이스마일 - Fast Intra Mode Decision for HEVC Intra Coding = ISCE 2014 ISCE2014_Presentation_v1.pptx
이스마일 - Modified Deblocking Filtering Process for Intra Block Copy (IBC) - SCC Meeting JCTVC-R0118-r2.pptx
이스마일 - Overview of Rate Control Overview of Rate Control.pptx
이진섭 - Mode Decision Algorithms in x264 Encoder Mode_Decision_Algorithms_in_x264_Encoder.p
이진섭 - SRP Architecture SRP_Architecture.pptx
이진섭-Optimization for the MPEG-4 VLD mpeg4_optimization.pptx
임웅 - JND & Blockiness JND070414.ppt
임웅 - Interlaced video coding Lim_Woong_Research_seminar_interlaced_coding.ppt
임웅 - Perceptual coding for 3D video Woong Lim - Perceptual 3D video coding_연구세미나.pptx
임웅 - Rate control algorithm for multi-view video coding WoongLim_3DRC.ppt
임웅 - 홀로그램 Hologram_r1.pptx
임웅-Perceptual Coding (perceptual loss coding) Lab seminar_Perceptual Coding-31 May 2014 - Woong Lim.pptx
임웅-syntax skip method for multi-view video coding Lim_Woong_Research_seminar_MVC.ppt
전찬웅 - Accelerate Video Decoding With Generic GPU Accelerate_Video_Decoding_With_Generic_GPU.pptx
전찬웅 - adaptive macroblock group coding An_adaptive_macroblock_group_coding_algorithm_for_progressive_and_interlaced_video.pptx
전찬웅 - Conditional Access System(CAS) CAS_2.pptx
전찬웅-Fast Encoder Based on Game Descriptor For Gaming On Demand System 전찬웅_FastEncoderBasedonGameDescriptorForGamingOnDemandSystem.pptx
정광수 - A Novel Objective No-Reference Metric for Digital Video Quality Assessment A_Novel_Objective_No_Reference_Metric_for_Digital_Video_Quality_Assessment.pdf
정광수 - CALF CALF.ppt
정광수 - Digital video processing using the HoPES board Digital_video_processing_using_the_HoPES_board.pptx
정광수 - Enhanced deblocking filter Enhanced_DeblockingFilter(2009_06_20).pptx
정광수 - NR Quality Assessment (BS) BS_Historgram_070411.ppt
정광수 - Post filter (BALF) Post_filter.pptx
정광수 - Quality Assessment test & MMX 070725.ppt
정광수 - Unidirectional 4x4 Intra Prediction Unidirectional_4x4_Intra_prediction.pptx
정광수 - VQEG-Z17 Two_dimensional_non_separable_adaptive_Wiener_interpoltion_filter_for_H.264AVC (2).pptx
정광수 - VQEG-Z17 Two_dimensional_non_separable_adaptive_Wiener_interpoltion_filter_for_H.264AVC.pptx
정광수 - VQEG-Z17 VCEG_Z17.doc
정광수 - [논문]Realization and Optimization of DSP Based H.264 Encoder Realization_and_Optimization_of_DSP_Based_h.264.pdf
정광수[논문] - A Novel Objective No-Reference Metric for Digital Video Quality Assessment A_Novel_Objective_No_Reference_Metric_for_Digital_Video_Quality_Assessment.ppt
조광신 - face verification perfomance 8_26_Face_detection_performance_final.ppt
조광신 - dynamic programming dynamic_programming.zip
조광신 - face detection (mct_symmetric, performance evaluation) 07_08_face_detection.ppt
조광신 - face detection 08_02_face_detection.ppt
조광신 - face detection 9_11_Face_detection_&_Recognition.ppt
조광신 - face detection penalty table 11_24_Face_detection.ppt
조광신 - face recognitino result (PCA vs LDA, using temporal feature) 1_22_Face_Recognition.ppt
조광신 - face recognition & detection 12_29_Face_detection.ppt
조광신 - face recognition (consideration temporal and mct) 2_26_Face_Recognition.ppt
조광신 - face recognition 10_30_Face_Recognition.ppt
조광신 - Free view-point TV Free_view_point_TV.ppt
조광신 - Mobile Healthcare - 1 4_7_Mobile_Healthcare.ppt
조광신 - multi-view video plus depth MULTI_VIEW_VIDEO_PLUS_DEPTH.ppt
조광신 - Physiotherapy by Human Activity Recognition 5_14_Physiotherapy_by_Human_Activity_Recognition.ppt
조광신 - [논문]3-D model-based tracking of humans in action 3_D_model_based_tracking_of_humans_in_action.ppt
조현호 - Adaptive Table Selection Adative_table_selection_for_CAVLC.ppt
조현호 - Compressed domain motion detection Compressed domain motion detection v1.pptx
조현호 - Deblocking filter review Deblocking_filter.ppt
조현호 - Deblocking filter review paper.zip
조현호 - Down Sampling DCT Down_sampling_DCT.ppt
조현호 - Down-Sampling DCT and Spatial Quantization DownSamplingDCT_and_SpatialQuantization.ppt
조현호 - HEVC high-level syntax HEVC high-level syntax.pptx
조현호 - Introduction to CUDA CUDA.ppt
조현호 - Introduction to CUDA license.dat.for.KWUniv.from.10012008.to.tar
조현호 - JSVM Encoder optimization JSVM_Encoder_optimization_and_HEVC_deblocking_filter.pptx
조현호 - MPEG-2 Video Decoder for EMP MPEG_2_video_decoder_for_EMP.pptx
조현호 - Parallel method for HEVC deblocking filter Parallel method for HEVC deblocking filter.pptx
조현호 - Parallel Motion Estimation Parallel_programming.ppt
조현호 - RDCT 2 reordering_dct_2.ppt
조현호 - RDCT 3 experiment_data.zip
조현호 - RDCT 3 reordering_dct_3.ppt
조현호 - RDCT 4 reordering_dct_4.ppt
조현호 - RDCT 5 experimental_result.zip
조현호 - RDCT 5 rdct5.ppt
조현호 - RDCT reorder_dct.ppt
조현호 - Simplified DC derivation for SDC mode Research seminar_IDJHH_r1.pptx
조현호 - Spatial Quantization - 3 result_sq.xls
조현호 - Spatial Quantization -2 spatial_Quantization.ppt
조현호 - SystemC_01 SystemC_01.ppt
조현호 - [논문] 통계적 가설 검증 기법을 이용한 고속 화면간 모드 결정 Fast_Intermode_decision_of_SVC_using_statiscal_Hypothesis_Testing.ppt
조현호 - 디블록킹 필터 병렬화 관련 연구세미나 Research seminar_IDJHH_20140111.pptx
지봉일 - B picture coding method B_picture_coding_method.pptx
지봉일 - Interlace coding method of H.264 Interlace_coding_method_of_H.264_2th.pptx
지봉일 - Multi-Core Programming Using intel Threading building Blocks Multi_Core_Programming_Using_intel_Threading_building_Blocks.pptx
황능주 - Adaptive Block Bi-partitioning 09.02.21.pptx
황능주 - Adaptive Block Transform 09.07.26.pptx
황능주 - Intel® Wireless MMX™ 2 _optimization guide 08.06.14.pptx
황능주 - Optimization and comparison of computational complexities of standard compliant 08.08.23.pptx
황능주-Windows CE application development with XScale Wireless MMX™ 2 08.02.11.pdf
황태진-Study of interpolation filter optimization for fast HEVC encoding 2013-08-10-Study of interpolation filter
333. optimization for fast HEVC encoding.pptx
334. Implementation_J144.ppt
335. Lossless_Video_Compression_Method_Based_on_Pixel_wise_Prediction.ppt
336. DPCM_as_Prediction_Mode.ppt
337. MPEG_4_BIFS(v.2).ppt
338. 3DAV(about_bangkok_input) (1).ppt
339. MPEG_2_TS_060126.ppt
340. BIFS.ppt
341. DirectShow1.ppt
342. Sound_Programming(06_03_18).ppt
343. DirectSound.ppt
344. DirectShow2.ppt
345. G.711_Programming(06_04_01).ppt
346. Down_sampling_DCT_prediction.ppt
347. Omni_directional_video_6.ppt
348. DirectSound (1).ppt
349. Scalable_Video_Coding.ppt
350. [2006.04.24]Extended_weighed_prediction.ppt
351. UDP_socket_programming(060429).ppt
352. Why_is_Image_Quality_Assessment_So_Difficult.pdf
353. 060506_directsound3.ppt
354. Downsampling_DCT.ppt
355. VideoCapture3.ppt
356. Omni_directional_video_7.ppt
357. Extended_weighted_prediction.ppt
358. UDP_socket_programming(060515).ppt
359. 060520_rt_voice.ppt
360. [10]_Subjective_testing_methodology_in_MPEG_video_cerification.pdf
361. DownsamplingDCT_result.ppt
362. Entropy_Coding_VLC.ppt
363. RDO_rate_control.ppt
364. 06_03_Demo1Program.ppt
365. Adaptive_Wiener_Interpolation_Filter.ppt
366. [2006,6,8]Extended_weighted_prediction_for_Multiview_video_coding.ppt
367. Test_Procedure.ppt
368. 060621_RecordingToUDP.ppt
369. Entropy_Coding_VLC (1).ppt
370. Adaptive_Wiener_Interpolation_Filter_2.ppt
371. 06_26_face_detection.ppt
372. Test_Program.ppt
373. View_Synthesis.ppt
374. Adaptive_Wiener_Interpolation_Filter_3.ppt