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Ismail Marzuki

Ismail Marzuki received the B.S. degree in Informatics from UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau - Indonesia in 2011. He joint to Image Processing Systems Lab in 2013 and received the Master's degree in Computer Engineering, Kwangwoon University in 2015. He is currently working as a PhD student at the same university. His research interests are related high-efficiency video coding and next generation video coding.

International Journal


1. Ismail Marzuki, Jonghyun Ma, Yong-Jo Ahn, and Donggyu Sim, "A context-adaptive fast intra coding algorithm of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC)," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Mar. 2016. (DOI 10. 1007/s11554-015-0487-5) (SCIE)

2. Ismail Marzuki, Yong-Jo Ahn, and Donggyu Sim, "Tile-level Rate Control for Tile-Parallelization HEVC Encoders," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. Sept. 2017. (DOI 10.1007/s11554-017-0720-5) (SCIE)

3. Ismail Marzuki and Donggyu Sim, "Overview of the Potential Technologies for Future Video Coding Standards in JEM: Status and Review," IEIE Transaction on Smart Processing and Computing. Sept. 2017.

4. Wahyu Wiratama, Ismail Marzuki, Yong-Jo Ahn, Donggyu Sim, "Adaptive Gaussian Low-Pass Pre-filtering for Perceptual Video Coding," IEIE Transaction on Smart Processing and Computing. Oct. 2018.

5. Ismail Marzuki and Donggyu Sim, "Perceptual Adaptive Quantization Parameter Selection using Deep Convolutional Features for HEVC Encoder," IEEE Access.  Feb. 2020.

6. Ismail Marzuki, Jongseok Lee, and Donggyu Sim, "Optimal CTU-Level Rate Control Based on Deep Convolutional Features for HEVC," IEEE Access. Sept. 2020.

7. Ismail Marzuki, Jongseok Lee, and Donggyu Sim, "Convolution Neural Network-based Perceptual Frame-Level Rate Control for Random-Access Configuration in HEVC Encoder," IEEE Access. 2020. On Progress

8. Wahyu Wiratama, Jongseok Lee, Woo-ju Lee, Ismail Marzuki, and Donggyu Sim, "Bilateral Attention U-Net for Change Detection on Remote Sensing Imageries," IEEE Access. 2020. On Progress

 International Contributions

1. Jonghyun Ma, Hyunho Jo, Ismail Marzuki, Yongjo Ahn, Woong Lim, Donggyu Sim, "Restriction of CU sizes for Intra Block Copy," ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 (JCTVC-R0056)

2. Ismail Marzuki, Hyunho Jo, Jonghyun Ma, Woong Lim, and Donggyu Sim, "Modified Deblocking Filtering Process for Intra Block Copy (IBC)," ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 (JCTVC-R0118)

3. Ismail Marzuki, Yong-Jo Ahn, Woong Lim, and Donggyu Sim, "Tile level rate control for multi core platform," ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21/WG11 (JCTVC-V0088) 

4. Woong Lim, Yong-Jo Ahn, Ismail Marzuki, and Donggyu Sim, "Supplemental enhancement information for reconstructionof HDR video," ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2015/M37424

5. Ismail Marzuki, Yong-Jo Ahn, Wahyu Wiratama, and Donggyu Sim, "Tile level rate control for multi core platform on HM," ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21/WG11 (JCTVC-Y0026) 

 . International Conference Papers

1. Ismail Marzuki, Hyunho Jo, Donggyu Sim, "Fast Intra Mode Decision for HEVC Intra Coding," in 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Jeju, Korea, June 22~25, 2014.

2. Ismail Marzuki, Jonghyun Ma, and Donggyu Sim, "Full Depth RQT after PU Decision for Fast Encoding of HEVC," The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2014), Jeju, June 22~25, 2014.

3. Wahyu Wiratama, Yong-Jo Ahn, Ismail Marzuki, and Donggyu Sim, "Adaptive Gaussian Filtering based on Contrast of Luminance for Perceptual Video Coding," The  31st International Technical Conference on Circuits/ Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), pp. 183-184, Okinawa, Japan, Jul. 2016.

4. Ismail Marzuki, Wahyu Wiratama, Yong-Jo Ahn, and Donggyu Sim, "Adaptive Parameter Offsets of Deblocking Filter of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)," The  International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2017), Thailand. 2017. 

5. Xiang Li, Ismail Marzuki, Seungcheol Jang, and Donggyu Sim, "Adaptive Loop Filter Complexity Reduction Based on Local Gradient," The  International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2017), Thailand. 2017.

6. Ismail Marzuki, Seungcheol Jang, and Donggyu Sim, "Fast Encoding for Quad-tree plus Binary-tree (QTBT Block Partitioning," The 32nd International  Technical Conference on Circuits/ Systems, Computers, and Communications Electronics, Information, and Communication (ITC-CSCC 2017), Busan, South Korea. 2017.

 Domestic Conference Paper

1. Ismail Marzuki, Yong-Jo Ahn, Donggyu Sim, "Tile Level Rate Control for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) on Multi-core Platform," in 2015년 한국방송공학회 추계학술대회, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, November 06, 2015.

2. Xiang Li, Xiangjian Wu, Ismail Marzuki, Yong-Jo Ahn, and Donggyu Sim, "Complexity Analysis of HM and JEM Encoder Software," The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineering, Jeju, Jun. 2016. 

3. Ismail Marzuki and Donggyu Sim, "Modification of Deblocking Filter Process on JEM Reference Software," Summer Conference of Electronics Engineering Society, Busan, South Korea. 2017.

4. Ismail Marzuki, Hansol Choi, and Donggyu Sim, "A Context-based Fast Encoding Quad Tree and Binary Tree (QTBT) Block Structure Partition," 2018년 한국방송·미디어공학회 하계학술대회, Jeju, South Korea. 2018.

5. Hansol Choi, Jeongseok Lee, Ismail Marzuki,  Seanae Park, and Donggyu Sim, "Fast CU Termination Method for Fast Encoding in JEM," 2018년 한국방송·미디어공학회 하계학술대회, Jeju, South Korea. 2018.

6. Ismail Marzuki  and Donggyu Sim, "A Deep Learning-based Rate Control," 2019 년 한국방송 공항과 하계학술대, Jeju, South Korea. 2019.

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